A Summary of Our ‘Good’ Ofsted report
Children arrive happily at this welcoming pre-school. Staff have excellent bonds
with children. For example, children smile as they run over to staff to give them
cuddles, showing they feel safe and secure. Children have positive relationships
with their friends. They confidently welcome visitors into their play as they offer
them pretend cups of tea. Children learn how to keep safe, as staff offer gentle
reminders, such as how to use the slide on the climbing frame. They are supported
by staff to develop their independence. For example, staff show children how to
open food packets at lunch, saying to use ‘pinchy parrot’ with their fingers to open
them. Children are proud as they manage this task successfully.
Children explore and engage well in the wide variety of activities that staff provide.
They enjoy spending time outside and use their imagination to build a house.
Children play cooperatively as they use planks of wood and foam bricks to do this.
They develop good physical skills as they practise kicking balls. Children confidently
scale the climbing frame and proudly shout, ‘I did it!’, as they reach the top.
Children’s communication and language development is supported well. They fill in
the missing words as staff read familiar stories to them.
Please find below the link to the Full Ofsted Report: